Congressional Investigations

Congressional Investigations

Congressional investigations required specialized representation.

Clients facing Congressional inquiries must navigate treacherous legal and political waters simultaneously. The Jacobs Law Firm has the expertise and experience to guide clients through this difficult process—to prepare witnesses for depositions and interviews, and manage responses to subpoenas and informal requests for information.  

Our expertise is rooted in our legal experience, political insight, and public relations savvy – which is unique even among elite litigation boutiques.  In addition to conducting high-level government investigations as a federal prosecutor, founder Matt Jacobs was a candidate for U.S. Congress – an experience that gave him firsthand insight into the operations of that body, acquaintance with numerous members and staffers, and a nuanced understanding of the norms governing committee investigations.  Moreover, in private practice, Matt was part of a team that represented a high-level Executive Branch official in an investigation related to alleged violations of federal law.

Often, clients issued Congressional subpoenas or requests for information must also deal with related litigation, parallel regulatory inquiries, or other ancillary proceedings.  Thus, in addition to preparing clients to respond directly to Congressional inquiries, we develop a comprehensive approach encompassing all related actions.  If you’re facing a Congressional inquiry, please contact us for a confidential and complimentary consultation.

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