Cybercrimes & Data Privacy

Cybercrimes & Data Privacy

Expert counsel offering practical and legal advice related to cybercrimes, cyber security, and data privacy.

Managing cyber liability has never been more difficult.  Pariah states, criminal enterprises, lone wolf hackers, and commercial competitors often target sensitive data, including trade secrets, patient medical records, and other confidential information.  Meanwhile, laws and regulations governing cybercrime and data privacy are constantly changing, though not nearly as quickly as technology advances.

We have the expertise and experience to help clients prepare for and protect against cyber risks. We also help our clients create and implement cybersecurity plans, and comply with a veritable spiderweb of federal, state and international data security laws and regulations.

In the event of a cyber breach, we respond quickly to help clients minimize their liability and assert their rights.  We advise clients concerning the need for shareholder or regulatory disclosures, consumer notifications, and referrals to law enforcement.  We deploy our legal expertise, technical knowledge, and relationships with law enforcement to help clients recover from data breaches as quickly and comprehensively as possible.

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